Film 1: Drawing and Painting portraits

Join Recovery College tutors Ann Chester King and Annie Musgrove for this fun drawing and painting workshop. Try out their drawing exercises to develop your observational skills and work towards producing a pop art portrait of yourself or someone else from a photo in the style of Julian Opie. You will need paper, pencils, black biro and/or black felt tip pen, rubber and some colours eg crayons, watercolours or acrylic paint.

Film 2: Drawing and Painting a still life

In the second session Ann and Annie develop the drawing skills from session 1 and show how artwork can be made inspired by objects found around the home like a mug of tea and a plate of biscuits. Join them for this fun workshop to choose your own objects and work towards producing a simple but effective painting in the style of Mary Fedden. You will need paper, pencils, black biro and/or black felt tip pen, rubber and some colours eg crayons, watercolours or acrylic paint.

Film 3: Drawing and painting a scene from your window

In the third and final session of this series, Ann and Annie further develop drawing and observational skills and show how artwork can be inspired by looking out of a window. Join them for this fun workshop to create a painting of your own view from a window or from a photo in the style of David Hockney. You will need paper, pencils, black biro and/or black felt tip pen, rubber and some colours eg crayons, watercolours or acrylic paint.

  • Διευθυντής: Luke