This on-line course is designed to introduce recovery college students to our brand new (and very exciting!) Individual Learning Plans.

Learning plans are completely optional and you do not have to keep one to be a student with Somerset Recovery College, but keeping one is a great way to direct you in your journey with us, (sort of like a map!)

During this on-line course you will be introduced to the theory behind a learning plan and the benefits of keeping one, including goals you would like to set for yourself this year in recovery college.

We will also look briefly at what keeps us from achieving these goals and how to review and reset them.

There is no pressure to keep a learning plan after the course, but if you would like support around completing one there will be opportunity to book a time with recovery college staff to do so.

  • ຜູ້ຈັດການ: Luke
  • ຜູ້ຈັດການ: Joanna