Coaching is a practical process of creating change and growth in a persons life.
The coach’s role is to “guide the client toward their own discoveries, insights, and goals” (Passmore et al., 2018).
Coaching has been described as a process of:
“unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance” (Whitmore, 1992).
Coaching in mental health can increase a growth mindset and a strengths focus to recovery (Oades, and colleagues, 2005).
Coaching can:
Help guide you to make changes in the direction you wish to go
Support you to become who they want to be in every area of life.
Constructively build personal awareness to empower choice leading to positive change. (Mead, 2020)
In self-coaching, we can achieve these benefits and more!
This on-line course will provide you with an overview of coaching psychology theory, along with some tools and exercises to equip you with self-coaching skills which could contribute to opportunities for flourishing in personal recovery.