How it works

A group of people, one of them a trained “Reader Leader”, reads a novel, short story or poem aloud. We stop and talk about what we have read. There is no need for group members to read aloud or speak – it’s fine to just listen. The idea is to create a space where people enjoy exploring literature and stories.  Reading the literature aloud in real-time, means that everyone is involved in a shared, live experience. Group members are encouraged by the Leader to respond personally, sharing feelings, thoughts and memories provoked by the reading.

Everyone experiences the text in their own way, but the literature provides a shared language that can help us to understand ourselves – and others – better.  

Everyone will be enabled to feel at ease and an important objective is to have fun.   Each meeting will last for an hour and we will meet weekly.  It is uncomplicated - that’s all there is to it.  Further information can be gathered at

Initially the group will meet virtually through Moodle but in time we hope to have real meetings.

  • Người quản lý: Luke
  • Người quản lý: Joanna