Fancy yourself as a bit of a pro when it comes to quizzes? Or just want to have some fun seeing how many questions you can answer correctly?  We’re running an online Kahoot quiz.  The questions will be either multiple choice or true/false. There is no pressure to be the best, it’s just a bit of fun.  If you want to participate anonymously that’s fine too.

What you need:

·        A laptop or tablet to join our Online meeting

·        A smart phone to answer the questions on

How it works:

You’ll log onto the call by pressing the Big Blue Button on the SRC website.  If you wish to be anonymous you can join without camera or microphone.

Every category will have a subset of questions.  Before each subset go to on your smartphone.

You will be shown a PIN Number on your laptop/tablet.  Enter the PIN on your smartphone.  You will then be asked to enter a nickname.  Then you’re in!

Once all competitors have joined the quiz will start.  Typically, each subset has around 10 questions.

You’ll be given either multiple choice options or True/False options on your phone.  You must answer each question within the time limit (20 seconds).

After each question the quickest 3 right answers will be awarded first, second or third.  I will keep track of scores and announce the winner at the end of the quiz.

Most importantly we hope you enjoy it and look forward to seeing you there!