Not matter whether you have access to an Allotment, Garden or just some pots, your knowledge of plants, food and nature will get you off to a great start on this course.    Growing things offers a great distraction from everyday life.   And, there are few things more rewarding than eating food that you have grown yourself.  This course is suitable for everyone!   It is a course developed by you our community.  Your expertise as a complete beginner or seasoned grower will be a huge asset to this course.   The course will give you the confidence, skills and knowledge to find, prepare and maintain a productive, sustainable and well-kept growing area.

Topics can include: How to get your plot ready for planting; understanding the soil type to deliver stronger growth and better yields; growing, harvesting and storing vegetables and fruit; and best practice during each month.

The course is packed with practical advice and should prove both fun and rewarding!

  • முகாமையாளர் : Luke
  • முகாமையாளர் : Joanna
  • முகாமையாளர் : Tim