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    • Advice and tips to help you to manage your health conditions during social distancing or self-isolation from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT).

    • "Our working lives were changed enormously when lockdown started – whether we stayed working as a key worker, worked from home, were placed on furlough or lost our jobs... As lockdown eases, our working lives will change again" (Mental Health Foundation, 2020)

      This presentation looks at advice and tips to manage work anxiety during this challenging time.

    • "We could fight and struggle; we can get mad and upset, and perhaps blame others. But in struggling, we’re just adding to an already difficult situation. Many times, even though we’d like to change the situation we’re in, or change other people, all we can change is ourselves – what we think, our attitude towards it, what we do"....

    • Feeling anxious about going to the shops or meeting with a friend in the park?

      What is the worst that could happen? What actually happened? What can you learn  from this? Use this record sheet to keep track of your personal challenges, and reframe your thinking.

    • Challenge you fears and anxieties and reframe your thinking using this behavioral experiment worksheet. 

    • Use this worksheet to help reframe your thinking and challenge yourself to do that which causes you anxiety as lockdown eases. 

    • Using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based approach, read about what causes anxiety, and how we can manage when we are feeling fearful using CBT based tecniques.

    • Babylon Health has a number of helpful and informative videos on ways we can look after our health and wellbeing during this challenging time. 

    • "It might feel difficult or stressful, but there are lots of things you can try to help your wellbeing during this challenging time. 

      This information is to help you cope if:

      • you're feeling anxious or worried about coronavirus
      • you’re following Government advice that we should stay at home as much as possible and keep a safe distance from others outdoors
      • you're self-isolating because you, or someone you live with, has symptoms of coronavirus. Self-isolating means that you stay home and keep away from other people, to avoid spreading coronavirus."

    • We are dealing with uncertain times, this can be scary and cause worry and fear. Use this CB based worksheet to explore what your uncertainty is telling you and what you can do to help yourself.

    • This worksheet uses CBT techniques to manage feelings of rumination and worry during this time of uncertainty.

    • "Positive statements encourage us and help us cope through distressing times. We can say these encouraging words to ourselves, and be our own personal coach. We have all survived some very distressing times, and we can use those experiences to encourage us through current difficulties."

      Use this worksheet to help you with positive statements you can tell yourself when feeling anxious - for example when at the supermarket of in other social settings. 

    • "Choose a statement from those below, or make one that means more to you, and repeat, repeat, repeat throughout the day, every day, of every week, of every month. You might want to make or print out a card with your affirmation, and carry it with you. For the positive affirmations to work, you must use it whenever you notice you have that negative thought – immediately turn it around by using your affirmation." 

      This info sheet uses CBT techniques to manage anxiety. Use this when facing a anxiety provoking social situation, such as meeting friends or going to the shops. 

    • As we we ease out of lockdown, we may have experiences of stress and anxiety. Use this presentation for helpful tips and advice to offer some help whilst we navigate this challenging time. 

    • In these uncertain times, it is normal to feel anxious and worried. However, there are things we can do to manage these worries and ease our anxieties and stress. This presentation will give you some ideas for looking after your health as as lockdown eases. 
    • Goal setting and preparation for the practical session - a socially distanced social experience in the community.

      Plus lots of ideas and advice on how to set SMART goals, GROW goal setting and Appreciative Inquiry for setting goals and reaching achievements. 


    • "Goals are anchors for hope, and the more human beings are aligned with their core values in movements toward those goals, the better-engaged people will be in participating in actions that will make those goals realized."

      This is a useful template to use to frame your thinking around Goal setting - focusing on G for Goals

    • When working in the Reality portion of the GROW framework, it is important to remember how perspective works. . This area of GROW allows for an invitation for self-assessment. The information that is required to solve problems adequately can be illuminated during this part of the framework.

      This is a useful template to use to frame your thinking around Goal setting - focusing on R for Reality

    • The Options portion of the GROW framework can be really helpful. It allows you to explore possibilities and to choose which of those possibilities will work the best to move you forward with your goals making. When you develop these options, you are more motivated and emotionally connected to them.

      This is a useful template to use to frame your thinking around Goal setting - focusing on O for Options

    • Clarifying action steps and preparing a specific plan for forward movement is developed here. Identifying future obstacles allows for planning ahead and for keeping the momentum going when these obstacles inevitably pop up.

      This is a useful template to use to frame your thinking around Goal setting - focusing on W for Way Forward