
  • Geral

  • Student Handbook

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      Here you will find all you need to guide you on your leaning journey with us, including the Individual Learning Plan.

      If you would like to speak with a member of SRC staff help you to fully engage with this handbook please contact us.

  • Individual Learning Plans Presentation Slides

  • CHIME Model of Personal Recovery Outcome Meassure

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      This document offers you an outcome measure we have created based on Leamy et al. (2011) CHIME Model of Personal Recovery. You can use this outcome measure as a self-assessment tool to guide your goal setting and choosing which course you would like to attend with us based on the specific recovery area you would like to improve. This tool will also be useful in completing the Individual Learning Plan in the student handbook
  • Elements of Participation

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      This document contains the elements for participation information useful for completing Individual Learning Plan.