Topic outline

  • General

  • Wellbeing Wednesday! Reclaiming our Identity

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      Check out these slides: a resource containing all the info from our webinar, with loads of inspiration for reflection and activities too!

  • Authenticity

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      What is authenticity and what impact does authenticity have on our identity?

      What are boundaries and how do these affect our authenticity and identity?

      This presentation will answer these questions are more.

  • Building Confidence

  • Reclaiming my Identity

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      Check out this presentation in which I explore common characteristics of those with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) diagnosis which are often over looked.

      On my own EUPD recovery journey I have had to reclaim my identity and have found that I have many personality super powers!

  • Recovery Star: Identity

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      Check out these slides that explain the Identity component of Recovery Star.

      (Triangle Consulting Social Enterprise Limited. (2008). Recovery Star: The Outcomes Star for mental health and well-being)