Oh, Inverted World by The Shins (Click to comment/discuss)
"What?????" I cry. I pick myself up, brush the crumbs of my breakfast from my knees and stroll to the bathroom where I splash some water on my face. I glance up at the mirror to see a look of disbelief still plastered across my countenance. "You haven't heard of The Shins?". While they have been absent, at least from UK radio stations for more than a decade they enjoyed a rich vein of form in the noughties. Their third album 'Wincing the Night Away' reached number 2 in the American billboard charts. It is their first album that I have chosen here, and what an introduction!
Probably (Although my memory prevents me from being fully sure of this) I first heard of the Shins in the film Garden State. This was a very accomplished directorial debut for Zach Braff who most of you will know from the show Scrubs. He won a Grammy for his song selection for the soundtrack. Undoubtedly the centerpiece is 'New Slang' by the Shins. Natalie Portman says something to the effect of 'it will change your life' as she hands the headphones of her Walkman to Braff's character.
They are the quintessential Indie band. There is nothing flash about them, James Mercer the singer/songwriter in the band would not look out of place leading a geography class. But isn't that what Indie music is all about? The music is more important than the creator. The melodies soar. I would even say that he comes close to matching Paul McCartney's abilities. It's as if he's taken a hammer and chisel to the air and carved out these beautiful songs. Lyrically he is interesting. On the third album he would sing: 'Born to multiply, Born to gaze into night sky, All you want is one more Saturday.' has anyone ever summed up humanity more succinctly?
I could say much more but I'm taking up valuable time while you could be listening. Hope you like it!
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