This week we will be looking at the 5 pathway MEANING.

You will need to bring:

·         Your notepad or journal

·         Tools for drawing such as a pencil or pencil

·         Optional – coloured pencils, crayons, or pastels.  

·         Have a copy of the bird sheet from moodle to hand

During this session we will:

·         Complete a grounding activity together – building on what we have been doing the previous weeks.

·         Share the completed take home activity (optional).

·         Share experiences and memories of nature that we all have in common, exploring how nature brings meaning to our lives.

·         Explore memories and folklore of birds.

·         Create a piece of work in our journals to represent the birds we’ve have come to know.

·         Reflect on how these activities help our wellbeing and develop our connection to nature.

Take home activity for this week (to be completed in between session 5 and 6):  Do you have a favourite tree? Or wildflower? Have a go at drawing it in your journal, write down why it is meaningful or special to you. 

Find another tree or wildflower growing locally to you and see what you can find out about this plant – does it have any folk traditions associated with it, feature in any stories or songs?

Ùrtima modìfica: Thursday, 8 April 2021, 11:01 AM